EN_Revised May 2024KJYGSCW_1868
Win-Win Value-Added Statement and IoT-Based Business Model Innovation: The Case of Haier
Win-Win Value-Added Statement and IoT-Based Business Model Innovation: The Case of Haier
Dai Lu , Yin Huaxiang
Renmin University of China, Nanyang Technical University
Business model innovation, Managerial report, The win-win value-added statement
The case investigates the business model innovation and enabling role of a new style of managerial accounting report on a basis of digital application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Haier Group. By focusing on the development of Vaccine Net in Haier group, this case shows how a new style of managerial accounting report, titled the Win-Win Value-Added Statement, is used for managing business model innovation . In the setting of Vaccine Net, new business opportunities are developed via transforming the ultra-low-temperature freezer to an IoT appliance, so as to automatically record, collect and transmit the timeline of the vaccines in and out of the freezers at the inoculation station to the platform operated by Vaccine Net. Thus, IoT based big data to support vaccine management have been collected until Vaccine Net was formed. The Vaccine Net team further offers extended business services and integrated solutions based on the business scenario of vaccination. Consequently, Vaccine Net has expanded the business scenario of the inoculation service and the opportunities of value creation. The causality of value creation behind business model innovations of Vaccine Net is reflected in the win-win value-added statement. The forward and feedback information of the win-win value-added statement is used in business innovation management for the development of Vaccine Net.